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Failure: a step on the road to success!

Falen hoog
Bankruptcy has bad connotations and is associated with negative feelings. Employment opportunities are lost and suppliers can no longer collect their dues. Nevertheless, the concept of bankruptcy has always been around and contributes, in addition to other cessations, to the phenomenon of creative destruction, which is the basis for innovation and ongoing growth.

Bankruptcy can also be a learning platform for entrepreneurs, providing they get a second chance. However, the existing culture in Europe doesn’t provide scope for this, in spite of the fact that it is necessary if we want to encourage entrepreneurship. Belgium is not doing very well in this respect and in terms of enterprise initiatives lags behind the rest of the European contingent. In fact Belgians dread bankruptcy and failure.

This book not only provides an in-depth analysis of all these aspects from a Belgian point of view, it also focuses on the international perspective in more detail.

The book is available in Dutch or French.