The evolution towards a 100% Renewable energy system will not bring independence since we fully depend on technological evolutions realized by other economic agents.
Will the lights stay on if we close the nuclear power plants? What are the ecological and financial consequences of renouncing nuclear power? Are subsidies necessary to attract investment to replacement capacity? Does a significant increase in electricity imports offer the simplest solu...
The outlook of the Belgian electricity system is increasingly unpredictable and challenging. Belgium is confronted with a nuclear phase out in a liberalized European electricity market which is strongly impacted by climate and renewable energy policies.
The nuclear phase-out in our country is not too far away anymore. By 2015, the two oldest nuclear power plants of Doel will be closed after 40 years of use. Will the remaining available production capacity suffice to deal with exceptional peaks – for example in wintertime?
Belgium has rather low environmental taxes. A radical fiscal greening could yield between € 3 and 5 billion per year, which allows a reduction of personal income taxes by 7 up to 11%.