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Higher education in times of massification: more quality, less quantity is needed

At the start of the academic year Itinera takes a look at the evolution of higher education. Itinera organized a survey of the academic corps: 5000 academics, 1300 respondents. The findings of the workplace of the universities and colleges provide alarming observations. Educators find that "commercialisation" and bureaucratization are dominating higher education. Formalized publication pressure suppresses the quality. Professors and teachers become instrument to generate budget. The level of the students is partly problematic and the quality of delivered diplomas is under pressure. Itinera calls for structural measures that once again place quality at the heart of the mission of higher education.

Structural reform is needed


Fundamental thought needs to be put into structural measures that, without compromising on the valuable democratization of higher education, put once again quality at the heart of the mission of higher education. Essential is that there is more than before room for individual and personal expression, which has always been the foundation and great value of the academic biotope. This biotope is now all too much being buried under uniform standards and rules. The future of the academic profession is at stake.



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