
Democracy & Good Governance

In een wereld waarin de democratie steeds meer bedreigd wordt, kijkt Itinera er nauwlettend op toe dat individuele rechten en vrijheden standhouden. Een betrouwbaar rechtssysteem is de basis, vertrouwen in de politiek moet de ambitie zijn van de overheid. Door te focussen op haar kerntaken, zorgvuldig om te springen met belastinggeld en rekenschap af te leggen.

Itinera goed bestuur
Opinion piece

Reform political nominations

There are no ready-made solutions for policy reform of political appointments. On the other hand, many other countries use a system of hearings. In those countries, top nominations must go through a parliamentary committee  where candidates have to explain their vision.
Opinion piece

Seven Years of economic crisis

The first stirrings of what would later be called the “sub-prime crisis” were observed in August 2006, in the midst of the greatest possible indifference. Hence, seven years have gone by since the western world stumbled over itself.