Johan Albrecht

Johan Albrecht

Johan Albrecht is a senior fellow and founding member at Itinera, and professor of environmental economics at the University of Ghent. His research at Itinera is focused on energy and health. Johan studied at the University Ghent and Oxford University and has served as an energy and technology policy advisor for several Belgian and international organisations. Johan Albrecht is the author of several books, including Coronashock (2020) and Investing in a Healthy Lifestyle (2020). In that book, he illustrates how prevention can have a positive impact on the health of a population and the cost of social security.

Written by Johan Albrecht


Johan Albrecht over Coronashock: Hoe de coronacrisis de veerkracht van onze economie en samenleving kan versterken

De medische bescherming is afhankelijk van landen als China en India. De coronacrisis leert ons dat we de supply chain moeten herbekijken. Dat kan door bijvoorbeeld flexibele productietechnologieën aan te spreken.  In een nieuwe podcast spreekt gastheer Simon Ghiotto met Prof. dr. ...
Energietrilemma hoog

Energy trilemma

Will the lights stay on if we close the nuclear power plants? What are the ecological and financial consequences of renouncing nuclear power? Are subsidies necessary to attract investment to replacement capacity? Does a significant increase in electricity imports offer the simplest solu...